Learn about who we are, where we operate and our key objectives.

Youth Assist Program
Youth Assist – Wide Bay Burnett is a wrap-around program that taps into and connects with existing services in a multi-faceted approach that is holistic, pragmatic, evidence-based, and future-focused.
Trauma Assist is the key driver of this wrap-around program for at-risk and marginalised youth aged 12 -24 where intervention at the point where societal triggers e.g abuse, domestic violence, family breakdown, at-risk behaviour, school dis-engagement, can increase protective factor and reduce the risk factors that are contributors to criminogenic behaviour.
The Youth Assist initiative draws from the Good Lives Model (Ward), to bring meaning, purpose and socially acceptable experiences to the lives of young people and facilitate them in “Building Better Lives”.
Primary Program Location
Youth Assist is primarily located and serving the region of Wide Bay Burnett, a region that has over the recent years been strongly impacted by youth unemployment and domestic and family violence.